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5 Tips to Save Money on food
- This one is super easy – Saves on time and the morning rush too. – Make enough for lunch the next day when you cook dinner and put into containers ready for the morning.
- Stretch your meat with added veg – SHHHH – don’t tell them! Grate carrot, potato and zucchini into your meat dishes to “stretch’ the meat and hide veg fro
m the kids.
- If you live alone, choose our ready made meals to save on food waste and to get good nutrition. Our meals are made using the same ingredients we sell in the shop, with no preservatives or additives. Often, when cooking for one, you end up eating the same thing for 3 or 4 nights or worse, you throw away that capsicum or eggplant half , or half tub of cream/tomato paste as you can’t use it. To save on waste, choose a few ready meals, the portions are large and you can freeze them as they are not pre frozen, but fresh from our kitchen to you.
- This is a good one for the end of the weekend- Use a mix of left over ‘tired’ veg in a soup, add a can of butter beans and a few handfuls of pasta, that last slice of bacon or cold meat to ensure no waste. I even throw in roast or cooked veg if I have them. A tablespoon of curry powder is a nice touch at times.
- Choose what’s in season as it will be cheaper – our local apples and citrus fruit are superb value, super delicious and are much healthier and cheaper snacks than a muesli bar or biscuits.