Quick Contact
Our CV19 practices at Western Growers Fresh Busselton
26th March 2020
Hello everyone,
We do hope you are all well and we would like to let you know what we are doing today in the shop to keep our Team and you, our valued customers, healthy. As an essential services business we know we have a really important role to keep good supplies of fresh, healthy food for our Busselton community.
We remain open from 8am daily, closing at 6pm weekdays and 5 pm weekends.
Our team
- we all wear gloves, all the time, regularly replacing them.
- we wash our hands with soap when removing gloves.
- checkout staff apply sanitiser between each customer transaction.
- unwell staff do not come in to work.
- staff keep a 1.5m social distance from each other in kitchens, coolrooms and packing areas.
- Admin staff are working from home.
For our customers
- we wipe down common used surfaces every hour with disinfectant.
- shopping baskets are cleaned with disinfectant after every use.
- trolley handles are cleaned with disinfectant every hour – please take trolleys from the bay near the front door, not from the returns bay.
- we are taking cash but we use gloves when handling it. We know there are some customers who don’t use cards and they need to eat.
For you to do for us and others
- keep the 1.5m social distance from others, don’t be afraid to say – “I’m coming past, please remain where you are” or ” please take a step to the left as I pass” or other polite requests as required.
- use sanitiser or wash your hands with soap before coming into the shop.
- if you have a cold or are unwell, use the online option, and collect your shopping at our rear drive through.
- keep your 1.5m distance from our staff at the checkout, deli and elsewhere.
For contact-free shopping, you can use our online service and choose a box of food that suits you, then collect it at our drive through.
Shopping form and box orders
If you prefer you can email me your bespoke shopping list, using the form to the right and we will pick it for you.
There is a $10 fee for orders under $85.
The Function to pay online and book a time to collect will be up soon. I know I say this every day, but it is only days away and is a box choice option.
Thank you for supporting our local family owned business and our wonderful team working here together with us.
We wish you good health and….. #noCV19.
Kind regards, Sonja and Mick