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What’s Fresh & Local in May
What’s Fresh & Local in May
It’s important to stay healthy right now and eating plenty of fresh fruit and veg will provide your body with the nutrition it needs. Western Growers Fresh is full to the brim with excellent quality fresh produce to keep you creative in the kitchen.
Our pick of the week is BROCCOLI, a superfood that is low in calories and high in nutritional value, including Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6 as well as Protein and dietary fibre. To make sure it lasts well at home before consuming, keep it refrigerated below 4°C.
PEARS are plentiful with plenty of new-season varieties available including beurre bosc brown pears, Packham pears, and nashi pears all excellent quality.
Great quality Moora Navel ORANGES are now in store at just $3.49/kg, these juicy, seedless oranges are super sweet. Everyone’s favourite CAPEL MANDARINS will be in soon too.
WIN a $500 travel voucher with A Better Choice. Each week, 5 winners will be drawn at random around the country! Each weekly winner will receive 1 x $500 travel voucher. Come in store and scan the QR code on the posters to enter! They will also be drawing a winner on the 3rd of August who will win 1 x $2500 travel voucher!